Portrait of the winner brings the history and development of SWEETY to light, for its recent accolade “The Best” from Cactus & Succulent Fair 17th in Thailand. Sweety’s prime features are red lobed leaves. Its origin dated back in 2010 when Mr. Lek, Santiporn Sangchai bred Euphorbia francoisii var crassicaulis rubrifolia and Euphorbia francoisii “La rocca,” bought from Mr. Sutthichai, due to its peculiar form, but more particularly lobed leaves. Little did he knew that “La rocca" would bring him the prize winner and many more gorgeous plants years later.

La rocca was used primarily in the beginning. In every generation ensued, seedlings with nice features, such as wider leaf base, red color more and more clarity, and good overall form, were selected to breed further. At first, consistency of such features was rare, but after 12 years, it has improved. Then came Sweety, and its prize “The Best” from Cactus & Succulent Fair 17th. Mr. Lek recognizes the leverage of having wide leaf base as the first feature he looked for to start his endeavor. In generations down the line, the leaves will only grow wider and shorter, thus, improved form. Those inspired to follow his footstep may consider shorten years of development by making smart investment for plants with good features to start their own development.
For more information: https://youtu.be/SEs7xEzm14M
